Service Center
Allegiant’s Service Center offers a full suite of metering products and services across residential and commercial electric metering brands, network infrastructure equipment and smart meter communications technologies.
Meter Services
- Integrating and testing AMI and Smart Meter communications
- Certifications based on customer requirements
- Sample testing new meter shipments and field exchange audits
- Communications programming, firmware upgrades, accuracy testing and custom labeling
- Comprehensive reconditioning, and a portfolio of repair services
Allegiant provides all your Metering
and Network Infrastructure Equipment.
Certified in Radian Technology
for Landis+Gyr and Aclara Meters
- Meter calibration on one of our Radian Test Systems
- Electronically distributed test records
- Certifications based on customer requirements
Specialized Network
Infrastructure Services
- Custom designed assemblies
- Equipment programming and firmware updates across multiple network platforms